Illegal Children FAKE TEARS

Illegal Children’s FAKE TEARS
By Anthony Martini (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada 2019)

St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

*** To start off, Children should not be separated from their parents. ***

Now before you get upset at me, as a Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada for 2019, please read the entire article.

Recently the news in the United States of America about Illegal Children crying on Audio Tapes because they were detained and separated from their alleged parents by United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and DHS United States Department of Homeland Security, went totally viral.

The United Nations Condemned the President of United States of America President Donald Trump and the United States of America.

Many Countries across Europe and around the world Condemned President Donald Trump and the United States of America.

Many Congressman and Congresswomen, Senators, Mayors and Politicians in the United States publicly blasted President Donald Trump.

Children placed in cages like animals. Immigrant Children ripped away from their Parents, United States of America Human Rights Abusers, is what was written in the headlines across United States and around the world.

Idiots in the USA went to their Congressman Office to have a sit in to support the Tears of Children. Politicians’ phones rang and rang and rang. The world news was flooded and covered the news of Children’s Tears poring down their little faces. How cruel and inhumane President Donald Trump really is read other news from around the world.

I even watched Reporters shedding FAKE TEARS to get more fame around the globe.

I sat there and shook my head NOT at President Donald Trump and not at the American Government BUT at the Children who had FAKE TEARS.

Again, please read the entire article to see where this Article is going.

People were shocked and disgusted from around the world as an employee from DHS or ICE was interviewing a child that was crying and crying and crying because the child was separated from her Mother.

The media picked up the story and then the story went viral all around the globe. Personal attacks one after another after another went against President Donald Trump. Even the United Nations condemned the United States of America.

I sat back shaking my head in total discuss and again not at President Donald Trump but at the FAKE TEARS from Illegal Children. Again, please read the entire story.

Don’t get me wrong, but I love Children and I believe that Children should be protected at all cost. I also believe that Parent(s) should not endanger their children or even coerce their children.

I do not support any illegals or any illegal activity of any kind and nor do I support the Illegal Invasion of any Country.

Where was the Media when my wife and I were forced to live in our car for 4 years?

Where was the Media when they saw evidence from a United States Government Employee that sent me endless threatening emails indicating that he will Rape me and Rape my wife and force us out of the United States? His name is Edward Harris from United States Department of Homeland Security.

Where was the Media when we fought and fought the massive corruption of the United States Immigration Court in Los Angeles, California?

Where was the Media when we went to the United States Supreme Court 3 Times?

Where was the outcry from the millions of Americans as we were being persecuted in the United States of America?

Where was the Media and the outcry when my wife and I were kidnapped in California and I was physically tortured for 1 year? All media in the United States had full knowledge and the media decided NOT to do our story and I will explain in a minute.

Where was France that never condemned the United States of America for physically torturing me? BUT France was quick to condemn the United States of America and President Donald Trump over FAKE TEARS of Illegal Children.

Many Countries that had full knowledge of my wife and I being kidnapped and I was physically tortured in the United States just remained silent but a short audio of an illegal child crying with FAKE TEARS got the world’s attention. A totally stage incident.

Where was and where is the Media that hid and still hide the truth about JOSE BARR from California from ICE United States Customs and Immigration that was directly involved in kidnapping my wife and I and ordering my Physical Torture for 11 full months?

Where is the media that failed to report real news but decided to report FAKE TEARS?

Where was the Media that FAILED to write the true story of Ingrid Abrash from Los Angeles Immigration Court that lied and lied and lied and lied about my wife and I indicating that we were stowaways, we over stayed our visas and the list went on? We never went to the United States on a boat from Canada and we never had any visa.

Where was the Media to report about the illegal activities about a United States of America Immigration Judge, Judge Rodin Rooyani (Judge from Iran) who accepted major bribes to award Iranians with United States Citizenship and continually persecuted my wife and I?

Where was the Media to report about the Massive corruption from the United States Department of Justice?

Where was the Media to report about massive voting fraud by President Barrack Obama?

Where was the Media to report that Former President of United States Barrack Obama illegally used the United States Military to illegally hunt down my wife and I on United States Soil because of my articles, of which OBAMA using the military against us was a criminal act?

Where was the Media to report that the criminals at United States Department of Justice illegally stole my entire personal website because I exposed massive corruption at the DOJ, U.S. Department of Justice, ICE – Immigration Custom and Enforcements and DHS – United States Department of Homeland Security?

Where was the Media to report that when I was kidnapped I was illegally taken to the Adelanto Detention Facility in Adelanto, California known as the Adelanto Concentration Camp where they physically torture Immigrants, Political Refugees, Illegals and even American Citizens?

Where was the Media to report against Wesley Lee and Jose Barr from ICE who was getting major kickbacks from THE GEO GROUP known as GEO to fill up beds and torture immigrants?

Where was and is the Media to report against Human Smuggling and Human Trafficking from Corrupt United States Government Employees?

Where was the Media that should have reported that Former President Barack Obama deported over 2.5 million people out of the United States and many of the people were all Legal Immigrants or Legal Political Refugees like myself and my wife?

Where was that Media that should have reported the Former President Barrack Obama was the one who ordered ICE and DHS to separate Children from their families?

Where was the Media to stop the Massive Illegal Invasion of the United States of America?

Where was the Media to report about the massive killings of Americans that over 80% of all Murders in the United States of America is done by an Illegal?

The Media in the United States are all LAZY, LAZY and LAZY and YES they do report FAKE TEARS like FAKE NEWS.

The Majority of all Media in the United States all have Mexicans working at the T.V. Stations or in the News Room or at all Newspapers Nationwide using stolen identifications.

The Mexicans totally infiltrated the United States of America and infiltrated positions in every Government and every Government Agencies. Hell, even Illegals were working at Courts in the United States using stolen identifications. I witnessed Illegals selling passports, drivers licenses in Sarasota, Florida at McDonalds and these were not FAKE Drivers Licenses or FAKE American Passports, they were the real thing.

In the United States of America there are now over 45 Million Illegals most of them are Mexicans and others from Central and South America. The United States now have over 25,000 MS-13 gang members illegally residing in the United States and each Gang Member from MS-13 are ordered to murder an American and African American. Former President of the United States of America Barrack Obama did nothing about the MS-13 and their numbers grew and grew. The MS-13 Members are actually the devils and they rape and raped thousands of American children, and females and boys. They are the Monsters illegally living in the United States. The majority of MS-13 evil monsters are Salvadorans, Hondurans, and Guatemalans.

In one year the MS-13 murdered over 10,000 American Citizens and again Former President Barrack Obama did nothing at all and nor did the FBI or the U.S. Department of Justice and the media again remained silent.

All Illegals in the United States are a huge burden on the American Citizens and the American Health System and all children of illegals are all trained to have FAKE TEARS. That is what I said FAKE TEARS.

My wife Annette Martini and I were forced to leave Canada in 2002 because the Canadian Prime Ministers and Canadian Politicians placed contracts on my head. Don’t worry no one will ever got paid on the contracts on my life that are still active today. The Prime Ministers ordered many Political Assassinations on my life and the RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police tried many times to murder me.

So my wife Annette Martini and I escaped Canada and went to the United States of America as Legal Political Refugees. Of course, the American Government did not help us and we were denied to work so my wife and I were forced to live in our car for over 4 years.

The Reporters that we approached in Washington, DC, in Venice, Florida and Sarasota, Florida were mostly Mexicans and the others, well let’s say, they were all incompetent as Journalists and refused to do our story. A hot story fell on their lap and they scratched their heads. Some of the media said that we are not Mexicans so they would not do our story because ONLY Mexicans’ stories were important. Other so called reporters were so incompetent that they looked like they were all brain dead.

My wife Annette Martini got pregnant and she had cramps while we were living in our car and the Sarasota Memorial Hospital in Sarasota, Florida, refused my wife to be admitted and my wife ended up having a miscarriage in the Hot Streets of Sarasota, Florida, holding the remains of our unborn child in her hands. The Media in Sarasota said that was NOT NEWSWORTHY.


I was a Reporter and one of the best journalist and the Best Private Investigator in the world and I could not believe that the MEDIA in the United States were and still are so useless and totally incompetent.

I was shocked to see a reporter having FAKE TEARS as she reported an Illegal Child having FAKE TEARS.

I lived with my wife in the United States of America from 2002-2013 during that time I witnessed many crimes in the open. Of course, I could not go to the Police because we were not citizens in the United States and the Police and FBI refused to arrest Edward Harris from DHS – United States Department of Homeland Security who sent my wife and I thousands of Death Threats via emails and all emails were traced to the Department of Homeland Security Government Computers and Government Servers.

I witnessed Illegal Aliens that were all Mexicans going in a motel room in Sarasota, Florida and 15 Illegals going into 15 Cars caring steel briefcases like Camera Cases that were all full of cocaine. I could not say anything because the FBI refused to arrest Edward Harris.

I witnessed Illegal Aliens that were all Mexicans and Illegal Children all stealing at Walmart and Target Stores in Sarasota, Florida but I could not say a word because the Sarasota Sheriff Department was so useless and the Illegal Mexicans would stare at me and dare me to report them.

The majority of Crimes in the United States are all done by Illegals. Of course, since the Media has so many Illegals working for them and so many Mexicans working for them, the Media remained and still remains quiet.

The American Media started calling Illegal Aliens a new word. They referred these Criminals that are all Illegals from Mexico as MIGRANTS and then they referred to them as Undocumented Workers and now they refer all Mexican Illegal Aliens as IMMIGRANTS. What a Joke and what a total disgrace to real Immigrants.

Fox News kept on reporting that there were only 1 Million Migrants in the United States, referring to the Illegals while I indicated at that time that there were 11 Million Illegals. In Each Report FOX news continued raising the amount of illegals based on my articles.

My wife and I went to the United States, the right way, with permission from President George W. Bush at that time and we paid a high price for entering the right way.

I never ever supported and nor will I ever Support an Illegal Invasion of a Country. If someone broke into your house or your home or your business then that is called BREAK AND ENTERING. This is the same way that all illegals should be treated, as Criminals, because illegally crossing a Border of any Country is Break and Entering. It is illegal and criminal and should be treated as such.

My wife Annette and I waited and waited for over 9 Years for FRANCE to assist us and we are still waiting but I am not going to Illegally Cross into FRANCE. Hell, I cannot even leave Canada because I am a Political Prisoner of Canada and Canada participated in International Kidnapping and illegally forced my wife and I back to Canada, against our will, and Canada has refused to give us any Passports, Travel Documents and Identifications from September 18, 2013 to the current date. Of course all media from around the world knows our story but their lips is forever sealed shut.

People entering a Country without Permission should be trialed as Criminals and immediately deported.

Now, I will tell you about FAKE TEARS.

When my wife Annette Martini and I were Kidnapped and I was taken to the Adelanto Concentration Camp, in Adelanto, California, I was being tortured by orders of JOSE BARR who is Mexican, works for ICE and is a dangerous monster from California.

I was physically tortured every day and I was also placed in a deep freezer for 5 full days. I ended up suffering severe Leg and Shoulder Injury of which I still suffer every day from the Torture. I also lost 4 teeth from the Physical Torture and the Media refused to write about my kidnapping.

The City of Adelanto and the Mayor of Adelanto and the Politicians and City Counsels knew about my torture in their City but their lips still remains sealed because they were and still are all receiving kickbacks from THE GEO GROUP that was running and is still running and operating the Adelanto Concentration Camp and the City and Politicians refused to cancel the contract that they had with THE GEO GROUP because of the major kickbacks they were and are still receiving.

Meanwhile, I helped a lot of Mexicans, Salvadorans, Hondurans, and Guatemalans with their Legal Papers and Court Papers. I spent almost 1 full year at the Adelanto Concentration Camp and this is where these Illegals confessed to me of their crimes.

I was told by the illegals themselves that before they bring their illegal children to the United States, they train their Children to have Fake Tears and cry and cry and cry and if they cry loud enough, then they will become American Citizens and so would their Mothers or their Parents. I could not believe what I was hearing but that was verified by hundreds and hundreds of illegals that I spoke to in nearly one full year.

The teenagers that are illegals would illegally cross into the United States and they would get caught on purpose and when they are caught they would cry like crazy and would tell the Border Agents that they want to reunite with their mother that is residing in the United States. The crying would continue and the FAKE TEARS would roll down their cheeks until they are released. Again, that was verified by hundreds upon hundreds of illegals that I spoke to.

One teenager who was being deported and who was 17 years old was threatened with rape by a lot of Mexicans so I protected him and warned everyone to leave him alone. I helped this teenager with all of his legal papers and Courts. The Immigration Judge wanted to give him Political Asylum. WHAT! The teenager does not even know anything about Politics and he was never ever persecuted.

I have no idea why so many illegals confessed to me. I am not a Priest but they all confessed to me of their crimes.

This teenager told me that he was from El Salvador and that he came to the United States through the desert with guides that he paid $5,000.00 in US funds to. He told me that they directed him to the Border Agents and he was caught like they had planned with their master plan. He was 9 years old at that time and he was caught by U.S. Border Agents who detained him. He cried and cried and shed FAKE TEARS as he was told. He told the Border Agents how he missed his mother so much and his heart was hurting him so bad to be reunited with his mother.

The Border Agents released him into the United States. This was called the CATCH and RELEASE program under Former President George Bush. The teenager was only 9 years old and the Border Agents fell for the massive tears. He is only a child they said. No harm to Americans. REALLY? The child went to American Schools and got a girl pregnant when he was 15. His girlfriend was an Illegal and she wanted to have an American Baby because their mentality is that they cannot be deported if they have an American Baby.

This boy joined Gangs in the United States. Then he confessed to me and I really did not want to hear it. I could not believe his confession but it was true. This Teenager shot and murdered a man when he was 7 Years old. He did not want to go to prison in El Salvador so he fled to the United States. He sold drugs like you cannot imagine. Just 2 weeks before he was arrested for petty theft in Los Angeles, he murdered a White American Woman who had a Baby in the house. The husband of the wife was in the Military but he was away. I could not believe what I was hearing but it was all true. He told me of every step of his crimes and murders. He was eventually deported from the United States because he did not want to stay because he was scared that the Police from Los Angeles will catch him and lock him away and then execute him. Two murders and the Serial Killer who is still a Teenager is free. I stopped helping him after he confessed to the 2 Murders.

I met another teenager who was from Mexico who was an Illegal. He came to the United States when he was 4 years old. He confessed to me that he murdered 6 African Americans in the United States and he wanted to get deported before the Cops found out who he was and what he did. He was deported but he promised that he would come back.

JOSE BARR, the Monster, that kidnapped me and ordered my daily torture is Mexican and he released many murderers, rapists and serial killers back into the streets of California. He also received major Bribes.

I was told over and over and over again hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times that when the Illegals brought their Children that are also illegals into the United States, for their Children to shed FAKE TEARS and I believe all of what I heard which came from the Mouths of Illegals who told me how they broke into the United States and many, many thousands will return back to the United States.

JOSE BARR from ICE U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement and DHS even released an Illegal that was arrested for 5 DUI’s in California and who owned 3 Prostitute Homes with Girls that were victims of a huge Human Smuggling Operation in the United States. This Illegal also confessed to me that he was involved with Human Trafficking and he would call a 1-800 number in the United States and place his order for girls. The girls are Illegals from Mexico and the youngest is 9 years old that was used as a Prostitute by force.

JOSE BARR released this Monster back into the streets of Los Angeles. California.

But JOSE BARR said that my wife and I are extremely dangerous to the Community of California and the United States. My wife has never broken any laws and neither have I but my wife and I are very dangerous according to our kidnapper, the Monster and Terrorist JOSE BARR.

The Media again refused to write a story about my Torture and our kidnapping. The Associated Press in Los Angeles knew all the details and they refused to write our story. Even France news refused to write our story. Even Fox News, NBC News and CBS all failed us. Of course CBS is the worse of them all. Especially the Reporter and Anchor Wendy Gillette from CBS.

I suspect that the Media exploded this FAKE TEARS NEWS to get even with President Donald Trump who I respect. After all, President Donald Trump came up with the brilliant news saying that all news in the United States are FAKE NEWS.

The Illegals train their children to cry like hell when they are caught and they do as they are told. When an Illegal Alien which is a teenager is caught he or she are told to cry, cry, cry and don’t stop crying for their Mother or Father or Aunt etc. They are also given a Phone Number of a Mexican Reporter in the city that they are going and they are told that the reporter will do their story but make sure that the tears look good.

I also met a Guy from India and he came to the United States when he was 17 Years old. He eventually got his American Citizenship but he also confessed to me. He is not a young guy when I met him, maybe about 42-51 years old. Like I said, everyone confessed to me of their crimes but I never asked them about their crimes. This guy from India was about 17 years old when he Fled India. He did not flee India because the Indian Government Persecuted him and nor did he flee India because he was being discriminated upon. This Criminal confessed to me about his Crime and I was so disturbed by his crime. I really do not want to go into details of the gross and inhumane crime he committed but all I will say is that he received Money to Murder a Police Detective in India. He even totally confessed to the entire murder and what he did to the body of a Police Detective. Of course, JOSE BARR released him back into the United States.

I did pass the information and the detail of the murder and the name of the Murderer to the Commissioner of the Police in India. Did the Indian Government ever do anything or arrest this murderer? Who knows.

JOSE BARR placed me with MS-13 Gang Members and gave them extra food to murder me. I was placed with rapists and murderers but I never ever broke any laws of any kind in the United States of America. I was threatened with rape on a Daily Basis by homosexuals that had aids on orders of Jose Barr, the Monster and Terrorist.

JOSE BARR even threatened me to sign papers to leave the United States at gun point and repeatedly told me that he would have my wife raped and murdered if I did not sign to leave the United States, But again I never broke any laws in the United States and nor did my wife.

The media all across the United States still refused to report the real news or report JOSE BARR who is responsible for murders and many rapes.

Actually, JOSE BARR was awarded a huge Government Job with the City of Beaumont, California as Planning Commissioner. The local trash newspaper, the Record Gazette, knows the real truth about JOSE BARR but they appraised him like you could not imagine and the Local Paper the RECORD GAZETTE still refuses to write the real truth about JOSE BARR who is a Monster, a Devil a Murderer, a Rapist and a Human Rights Abuser.

Like I said, the Illegals in the United States totally infiltrated all United States Government Jobs and all Media in the U.S.

Again, the United States will be forced to hand deliver JOSE BARR and all of my enemies to me personally when I become the Next Prime Minister of Canada and if I don’t, then the United States will be forced to hand deliver my enemies to the International Criminal Courts to be dealt with. I would want the courts to give my enemies the same treatment that I received but triple.

When an Illegal Child is detained at the Border they were well trained to shed FAKE TEARS to get released and also to get media attention.

Here we go again, with the Illegals getting the sympathy from the world but this time it worked.

I don’t agree that the United States or any country separates children from parents during an illegal crossing in their country. I feel that all Children should be with their parent(s) BUT there has to be safe measures and safe guard first to protect the children.

Many children that illegally come to the United States are victims of Human Smuggling and they are forced to lie indicating that they came with their Mother which is not true. Thousands of Children are smuggled into the United States for Sex trafficking and it is the duty of the Country to make sure that these people are the real parents and the children are NOT being smuggled into the United States for Sex Trafficking and prostitution. Children as young as 4 years old are illegally brought into the United States for Sex Trafficking. I met a few human traffickers and sex traffickers, monsters that also confessed to me indicating that they buy children in Mexico and other South American and Central American Countries and bring them to the United States Illegally and use them as Prostitutes. I met a guy who was brought to the United States Illegally at 6 years old to be used as a Male Prostitute.

According to this guy, who was being deported, he brought in over 20,000 children illegally into the United States to be used in the Sex Trade in the United States where the Illegals in the United States were raping children. Thousands of Children are brought each day into the United States for Sex Trade.

I was even told by a Human Trafficker and a Human Smuggler that he pays Border Agents at the United States Border between $2,000.00 to $5,000.00 for each cargo of illegal children he brings into the United States to be used for Sex. These Human Rights Abusers know the times and dates of these Border Agents who allow them to illegally enter into the United States of America for a price.

JOSE BARR and Wesley Lee Received Major kickbacks from GEO GROUP to fill up beds.

Is the facility where they are housing Children operated by THE GEO GROUP?

The GEO GROUP was directly responsible for my daily physical torture. They also fed me worms, bugs of which I refused to eat. They poisoned my water and my food on orders of Jose Barr, the Monster.

There were illegals that were raped by GEO GUARDS and I would be highly concerned if they Children were raped by ICE Agents or DHS Employees or Government Employees or Guards at the Facilities.

You would be shocked at how much murders, rapes, abuse and torture goes on at these Facilities.

Instead of all Americans shitting on President Donald Trump, they should support him in his honest efforts to STOP the Illegal Invasion of the United States of America.

The Americans and World Media should be crapping on ICE and DHS Immigration and Customs Enforcements and United States Department of Homeland Security because both organizations are full of massive corruption and are human rights abusers who do unimaginable crimes.

If President Donald Trump spoke with me then I would show him how to legally and quickly remove over 45 Million Illegals out of the United States of America without costing the Taxpayers any money.

It was my idea to have the United States Government create United States Department of Homeland Security. Later on I will show the evidence. If the United States gave my wife Annette Martini and I immediate American Citizenship then I would have given the United States of America a 7 Star Security System that I developed to end the Illegal Invasion of the United States of America BUT Former President George W. Bush allowed us to Legally enter the United States but left us on the Dangerous Streets of America and forced us to live in our car for over 4 years.

Now the United States of America has Over 45 Million Illegals and one day of President Donald Trump talking to me would have over 45 Million Illegals leaving the United States without costing the Tax Payers any money. My way would also totally end the Millions of Illegals that illegally enter the United States each year.

The Mexican Wall will never stop the flow of illegals BUT My system would.

Don’t Believe the American News reporting on TEARS of ILLEGAL CHILDREN… TRUST ME THEY ARE ALL FAKE TEARS.

Europe also has a huge crisis with an European Invasion and it is about to get a lot worse if the European Union and the European Countries do NOT stop the European Invasion.

I support TRUE Political Refugees. I support TRUE Immigrants BUT I will never ever support ILLEGALS in any way. If Europe does not be careful and totally end the massive European Invasion then Europe will end up like Africa and Totally BROKE and BANKRUPT.

The Word POLITICAL REFUGEE or POLITICAL ASYLUM has to be used ONLY when someone is being persecuted or tortured by the Government only, like my wife Annette Martini and I.

JOSE BARR also forced me among Homosexuals and ordered them to rape me. These Homosexuals that raped children were being released into the United States because these Illegals lied and said that they will be persecuted by their Country because they are homosexuals and that was all LIES. JOSE BARR released one homosexual that raped over 120 boys back into California. This monster confessed to me and told me that he raped over 120 Boys. He also said that GOD forgives him and after he rapes a boy then he asks GOD to forgive him and he said that GOD forgives him and he continues raping another boy.

I was surrounded by scums of the Earth and Criminals and Murderers and Homosexuals for almost 1 full year and I studied everyone of them as I was being physically tortured. I was being tortured by Mexicans that stole others ID that work at the United States Government.

My 7 Star Highly sophisticated Security System would have protected United States of America by LAND, SEA and AIR but former President George W. Bush gave a 19 Billion Dollar Contract to his friend. The contract was only a database which I never heard about being finished. I was going to give it to the American People for free in exchange for my wife Annette Martini and I, immediate American Citizenship but that never happened.

The Associated Press in Los Angeles, California refused to write my story about my wife and I being kidnapped and I was physically tortured. My wife cried knowing I was being physically tortured and no one gave a CRAP.

France knew that I was being Physically Tortured and so did The French Embassy in Washington, DC and the French Consulate in Los Angeles, California and NO ONE EVER Condemned Former President Barrack Obama or the United States of America. Even the United Nations knew that my wife Annette Martini and I were kidnapped and I was being Physically Tortured and the United Nations refused to issue a Protection Order for us and refused to condemn the United States of America.

It is amazing how the world fell for the greatest FAKE NEWS of all TIMES reporting the FAKE TEARS of Children that are detained for breaking into the Country. It is amazing how quickly European Countries were to act, against the United States by Condemning the United States for FAKE TEARS. It is amazing how many Country Leaders quickly condemned the United States for FAKE TEARS of Illegal Children that was all orchestrated to a “T” including the Illegal Reporters working illegally in the United States.



When my wife Annette Martini and I were kidnapped, the World Leaders remained Quiet. The Media from around the World Remained Silent.

When I was physically tortured on orders of President Barrack Obama at that time, the world all remained Silent and no one ever spoke against OBAMA who was NOT Born in the United States according to President Donald Trump.

When OBAMA illegally ordered the United States Military to kidnap my wife and I, oh how the Media remained totally Silent.

When I was severely assaulted by my kidnappers who kidnapped my wife and I and my kidnappers were trying to murder me, the Media again remained Silent, even though I was hidden away in the desert. I was severely beaten and my entire left side of my face was all black and blue. I was knocked out unconscious and severely kicked and hidden away from nurses for about 10 days to prevent them from giving me emergency medical treatments but again the Media remained Silent. Again, there was no world outcry and the Media still kept the story a secret.

I was placed in a deep freezer on orders of JOSE BARR a Mexican in California and I ended up suffering severe muscle damage in my leg and arm and again the media totally was useless in the United States and around the world and all media remained silent.

I had my 5th heart attack because of the Severe Torture and the Media in the United States and around the world and especially the Associated Press was so useless and never reported the torture and the numerous attempted murders that was ordered by JOSE BARR, the Monster, the Devil and the Torturer.

My wife Annette Martini and I were illegally deported back to Canada, the Country that I escaped from with my wife and Canada has refused to give us any Identifications and the MEDIA still remains silent and again, there is no outcry from the World.

I guess my story was not a CAT STORY that Fox News, NBC News, CBS news and other media writes about.

I guess that I did not cry loud enough and I did NOT have any FAKE TEARS like these Illegal Aliens are coerced and trained in doing.

I guess that the MEDIA would rather promote the Total Illegal Invasion of the United States or Europe then talk about LEGALS who comes in the right way. I guess FRANCE NEWS wants to remain quiet because we did NOT CRY in front of the camera.

ILLEGALS ARE CRIMINALS and that is the story here. All Illegals are escaping from the crimes that they have already committed. Otherwise, they would come into another Country the right way like we did.

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau allowed an undisclosed amount of people entering Canada from Syria. I was in the Canadian Military and a former Intelligence Officer and the best Private Investigator in the world. I can tell you that over 85% of all people that TRUDEAU allowed into Canada are all Terrorists and are not from Syria and they will attack United States in the future.

Prime Minister of Canada also endangered Canadians by allowing 10’s of thousands of criminals to illegally enter Canada and endangering Canadian Security and Canadians.

If Prime Minister of Canada DOES NOT STOP all the Illegals entering Canada then Canada will soon have millions and tens of millions of Illegals. Canada will collapse. The Canadian Economy will crash. It is about time that Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau just steps down before Queen Elizabeth II removes the Pot Head Leader of Canada.

The many illegals that are working for the United States Media are using the Worldwide Media to promote their Illegal Invasion by using Children with FAKE TEARS! Perhaps it was an Illegal that was working for The United States American Government Employees from ICE – United States Immigration Customs and Enforcement, or from DHS – United States Department of Homeland Security that illegally leaked the FAKE TEARS audio and he or she should be arrested for treason and deported.

You would be surprised on how many illegals work for United States Government and the American Media.

You would be shocked to know that the Border Agents are collecting millions of dollars each day from Criminals, Human Smugglers, Drug Traffickers and sex traffickers and children smugglers.



Do Not listen to the American News or Canadian News that are all controlled. Do Not listen to the bull crap of FAKE TEARS. Do not fall for the Criminal Behaviours. Do not fall for their lies from Illegals.

Where is the Tears of Millions of People to support my wife Annette Martini and I?

Where is the total outcry against Canada and Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau for denying us the right to exist and work and travel and being free?

WHERE IS THE WORLD OUTCRY AGAINST the United States Government for their crimes against us?

Where is the world outcry against Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau who is a gross Human Rights Abuser who refuses to give us Identifications, Travel Papers or Passports to leave Canada?

Where is Queen Elizabeth II to order Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau to be arrested and dismantle the RCMP?

Where is the United Nations to Condemn Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and Canada for Gross Human Rights Abuse against myself and my wife Annette Martini?


Where was the Media and the Outcry when my two daughters were kidnapped and later I was told that my second daughter was murdered?

This Media of FAKE TEARS is just another CAT STORY. Don’t Believe FAKE TEARS From Criminal Alien Children.


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Help My Wife Annette Martini and I to go Into Exile From Canada!

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100% Of Your Donation Will Be Going To Anthony Martini and Annette Martini to Go Into EXILE From Canada To FRANCE!

I am Anthony Martini and while I am FORCED to remain in Canada, against my will, I am still a Political Candidate for Prime Minister of Canada for 2019 and beyond.

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