By Anthony Martini – (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada For 2019)
Monday, September 23, 2019

My situation as a Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada for 2019 has not changed at all.


Prime Minister of Canada JUSTIN TRUDEAU dresses up as HITLER and supports Hitler.

Today, Monday, September 23, 2019 under the International Laws and United Nations Laws I, Anthony Martini a Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada am officially declaring Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau as a POLITICAL TERRORIST.

This is the first time that the term POLITICAL TERRORIST has ever been used under International Laws and United Nations Laws. This is the first time ever that a Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada has ever used these lethal words against a Sitting Prime Minister of Canada.

I have been beyond patient with Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada ever since TRUDEAU was illegally elected with his Electrical Fraud and ever since the Liberal Party of Canada illegally took power of Canada with massive election fraud in November 2015.

I am taking one step further and declaring every Liberal MP in Canada as POLITICAL TERRORISTS and especially Chris Bittle MP for St. Catharines, Ontario.

Chris Bittle MP for St. Catharines, Ontario refused to do his duties as a Member of Parliament and assist myself and my wife, Annette Martini with Emergency Passports and Emergency Travel Documents to leave Canada. It was the responsability of Chris Bittle to protect us under United Nations Laws and International Laws and to make sure that we would not be subject to further persecution and torture.

Chris Bittle forgot that he is a Public Servant and he is here to serve citizens in his riding. Chris Bittle only serves homosexuals and that is all and forgot about all other Canadians. BITTLE is racist. Bittle supports MURDER of Babies. BITTLE supports the POT HEAD BILL. BITTLE supports mass immigration to Canada. BITTLE supports high crimes and Murders in Canada.

I am declaring CHRIS BITTLE a POLITICAL TERRORIST under International Laws and United Nations Laws. CHRIS BITTLE WILL BE ARRESTED under International Laws and United Nation Laws. I am also declaring his two staff members Elizabeth Scott and Zachary Dadso as TERRORISTS and Elizabeth Scott and Zachary Dadso will be arrested under International Laws and United Nations Laws for Human Rights Abuse and Political Persecution and Torture.

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Government refused to give me any Identifications to make sure I don't create a New Political Party in Canada and to make sure I don't run for Prime Minister of Canada 2019 or any other Election Year and to make sure I don't create a NEW CANADA. TRUDEAU denied my wife and I the Legal Rights to vote in Canada or pay taxes or collect taxes and the rights to work. TRUDEAU also refused to allow me FREEDOM and Trudeau also denied myself, Anthony Martini the right to have a Passport.

TRUDEAU and the Liberal Party of Canada and all its Liberal MP's also denied my wife, Annette Martini any Identifications and Passport and Freedom.

JUSTIN TRUDEAU also illegally denied my wife and I the BASIC CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS under United Nations Laws and International Laws which is a huge violation of United Nations Laws and International Laws.

TRUDEAU and his illegal MP Members of Parliament must be labeled and will be labeled by the United Nations as POLITICAL TERRORISTS for also endangering every Canadian Life with their illegal POT HEAD BILL.

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau created an illegal law which is the POT HEAD BILL to legalize Marijuana because TRUDEAU and all of the Liberal MPs are all POT HEADS and drug dealers. TRUDEAU also allowed the RCMP to put massive drugs on the Canadian Streets and he also authorized the RCMP to distribute more illegal drugs using the Canadian Embassies and Canadian Consulates.

TRUDEAU has violated more Canadian Rights then any Previous Canadian Prime Ministers.

I have seen children as young as 9 years old smoking Marijuana in Shopping Centers' Parking Lots.

My wife and I and Millions of Canadians cannot even go for a walk in the streets without some Pot Head Loser smoking Marijuana on the streets or bus stops and violating our air space to fresh air. TRUDEAU forced all Canadians and Children to inhale second hand Marijuana smoke which is extremely dangerous.

CRIME in Canada has increased by 3,000% under TRUDEAU and The Liberal MP's.

MURDER has increased at an alarming rate in Canada because of TRUDEAU the Pot Head and his Crazy Liberal MP's

GUN VIOLENCE and Murder by Guns have increased by 5,000% in Canada, all because of TRUDEAU.

VIOLENCE and Robberies have increased up to 500% in many cities across Canada all because of TRUDEAU's POT HEAD BILL. Even Small Towns and Small Cities are all seeing a hike in CRIME because of TRUDEAU'S POT HEAD BILL.

All Liberal MP's in OTTAWA refused to take a Vote to the one question that we demanded a VOTE.


We demanded a YES or NO Vote and even the Canadian Speaker of the House of Commons Geoff Regan (Liberal) refused to take a YES or NO Vote. The Speaker of the House of Commons Geoff Regan even illegally denied me the LEGAL RIGHTS to testify against the illegal and Criminal activities of the RCMP the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. REGAN even denied me the Legal Rights under United Nations Laws to testify against the RCMP illegally shipping massive drugs using the Canadian Embassies and the Canadian Consulates worldwide. I also declare the Canadian Speaker of the House of Commons Geoff Regan as a POLITICAL TERRORIST.

We did not just write to only all Liberal MP's in Ottawa, we also wrote to all MP's from all Parties.

We even wrote to the Canadian Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons BRUCE STANTON (Conservative) and BRUCE STANTON refused to take a YES or NO Vote and Stanton also refused for me to testify against the RCMP. Instead of BRUCE STANTON doing his job as a Member of Parliament, his staff ridiculed me as a Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada and Bruce Stanton' staff laughed at me because I was Physically Tortured.

(CLICK HERE) to read the article and see the evidence of Gross Human Rights Violations from BRUCE STANTON and his staff - CANADIAN DEPUTY SPEAKER BRUCE STANTON MP - MUST IMMEDIATELY RESIGN -

I, Anthony Martini officially declare the CANADIAN DEPUTY SPEAKER BRUCE STANTON as a POLITICAL TERRORIST. I, also declare BRUCE STANTON' staff and employees as TERRORISTS and enemies of the state under United Nations Laws and International Laws.

The Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs CHRYSTIA FREELAND REFUSED to give my wife and I Passports or Emergency Travel Documents to leave Canada and CHRYSTIA FREELAND refused to respect International Laws and United Nations laws pertaining to BASIC CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS. FREELAND REFUSED TO GIVE MY WIFE AND I FREEDOM.

I, Anthony Martini officially declare the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada CHRYSTIA FREELAND as a POLITICAL TERRORIST. I also declare all staff and Federal Employees from the Canadian Foreign Affairs as TERRORISTS and enemies of the state under United Nations Laws and International Laws.

Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs CHRYSTIA FREELAND and all of her staff and all employees from the Canadian Foreign Affairs Office will be arrested and tried under International Laws and United Nations Laws as POLITICAL TERRORISTS and TERRORISTS.

I also wrote to the Canadian Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Ahmed Hussen who is a Somalian who refused to do his Civil Duties as a Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. Ahmed Hussen only helps more Muslims to come to Canada and he craps on White Canadians. Ahmed Hussen refused to take a VOTE to the one simple question ARE WE CANADIANS YES OR NO. Even his staff are so darn rude. I, Anthony Martini officially declare the Canadian Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Ahmed Hussen as a POLITICAL TERRORIST. I also declare all of his staff as TERRORISTS and enemies of the state.

The Canadian Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Ahmed Hussen illegally refused to give my wife, Annette Martini and myself, the BASIC CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS which is a Huge Violation of International Laws and United Nations Laws. Ahmed Hussen also refused to give my wife and I Emergency Passports and Emergency Travel Documents to leave Canada which made my wife and I as Political Prisoners of Canada. Ahmed Hussen also denied my wife and I the Legal Rights to be FREE, Travel and Work.

The Canadian Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Ahmed Hussen is a POLITICAL TERRORIST and he and his staff will all be tried as a POLITICAL TERRORIST and TERRORISTS.

We also wrote to the Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada Andrew Scheer

(CLICK HERE) to read the letter in PDF file.

The Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada Andrew Scheer REFUSED to take a VOTE and he and his staff personally violated United Nations Laws and International Laws. It was the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada and the former Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and the Former Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird that were directly involved in an International Kidnapping and illegally Forced and Dragged my wife and I back to Canada against our will. ANDREW SCHEER had a Legal duty to protect my wife and I from any further persecution and SCHEER totally failed as a Politician and Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. Since SCHEER refused to take a Vote and protect us and fight for us to have Identifications and Passports then ANDREW SCHEER forced me to declare him a POLITICAL TERRORIST. I am also declaring all of his staff as TERRORISTS.

Every MP (Member of Parliament) in Ottawa had a Legal Responsibility to force TRUDEAU and all of his Ministers to end the Persecution and Torture against us and every MP from every party totally failed and every Leader from every Political Group in OTTAWA totally failed and they allowed the persecution to continue against us.

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau will Face TRIAL either today or tomorrow and all United Nation Laws and International Laws will be forced on TRUDEAU and CANADA and the Province of Ontario.

TRUDEAU will be charged as a POLITICAL TERRORIST and so will all of his Ministers past and present and future if TRUDEAU is re-elected. All of TRUDEAU's Staff and employees will also be tried as Terrorists under International Laws and United Nation Laws.

I severely cautioned every MP that there will be Severe Legal Consequences if they refuse to take a YES or NO Vote and now it is my turn to proceed with all Legal Avenues against every Politician in Canada and against all of their staff and against all Canadian Federal Employees that illegally participated in Persecution and Torture against my wife and I. THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY THROUGH COURTS OUTSIDE OF CANADA.

Since TRUDEAU denied us the Basic Canadian Citizenship Rights and since TRUDEAU personally violated International Laws then TRUDEAU MUST and will be held Personally and Criminally accountable.

Over 10 Million emails were sent out to Canadians to NOT VOTE for JUSTIN TRUDEAU Leader of the Liberals or ANDREW SCHEER Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada.

For the past 152 Years and Since 1867 Canadians have been electing the two Terrorist Political Parties over and over and over again. For 152 Years Canadians have been voting for Political Terrorists to run Canada and to damage Canada and totally destroy the Canadian Life.

TRUDEAU wants to bring in 1 million more Foreigners to Canada that will take away Canadian Jobs or remain on welfare forever. One Million Foreigners will cripple the Canadian Economy and change Canada forever.

Over 90% of all Crimes and Murders in Canada are caused by Foreigners in Canada.

The Massive Drug Trade in Canada is all the fault of Foreigners.

It is time for a New Change in Canada. It is time for a NEW CANADA. IT IS TIME FOR A CHANGE!

Have you ever noticed that the Province of Quebec voted most of the Prime Ministers into Office? Quebec Voted and placed the following Politicians as Prime Ministers of Canada: Sir Wilfrid Laurier Louis St. Laurent Pierre Trudeau Brian Mulroney Jean Chrétien Paul Martin Justin Trudeau

Every Politician that Quebec voted made a mess of Canada. Perhaps Quebecers should stop voting.

I can give you a Million Reasons why you should NOT vote for LIBERALS or PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVES.

The LIBERALS and the PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVES' Prime Ministers past and present were the ones that persecuted me and illegally ordered the RCMP to Murder Me and destroy my life.

Under International Laws and United Nations Laws I, ANTHONY MARTINI a Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada declare the LIBERAL PARTY OF CANADA and the PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF CANADA as Political Terrorist Organizations. I further declare the Leaders of these two Terrorist Political Groups, Prime Minister of Canada JUSTIN TRUDEAU and ANDREW SCHEER Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada as POLITICAL TERRORISTS and they will be charged as POLITICAL TERRORISTS.

On Saturday, September 21, 2019, I discovered that TRUDEAU ordered a Canadian Immigration Senior Employee to live in the Apartment Building where my wife and I reside. Our Apartment Building is NOT Luxury for a Senior Canadian Immigration Officer to live in but it is actually a dive with lots of bugs. This apartment Building is NOT where Senior Government Employees LIVE in, that is making big bucks. So why is this Senior Immigration Government Employee and Security from Toronto, here in this building? My wife and I have seen this Senior Canadian Immigration Employee from Toronto in person. TRUDEAU already illegally authorized the RCMP to move next door to our apartment and across the street from us to conduct ILLEGAL Surveillance and to conduct Illegal Wiretaps against a Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada which is Huge Violations of Canadian Laws, United Nations Laws and International Laws.

I, Anthony Martini have the Legal Rights as a Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada to not be harassed or tortured or persecuted by these two POLITICAL TERRORIST Organizations or its Politicians or its Leaders or their Federal Government Employees. My wife is also protected under International Laws and United Nation Laws to not be subjected to any further persecution by these two POLITICAL TERRORIST Organizations or its Politicians or Leaders or their Federal Government Employees.

I have warned Canada that there will be Severe Legal Consequences if a YES or NO vote was not taken and now Canada and its Politicians and MP's and all of their staff will be held personally accountable.



IT IS TIME TO SAY BYE BYE TRUDEAU and NO WAY TO ANDREW SCHEER who is another PUNK and totally unqualified to be the next Prime Minister of Canada.




There are many Canadian Politicians, Public Servants and Federal Government Employees whose names are not mentioned here or labeled as POLITICAL TERRORISTS or TERRORISTS but all names will be mentioned and all will be brought to face trial even if I have to make a Citizen Arrest myself of every Human Rights Abusers.

While I am forced to remain in Canada against my will I, Anthony Martini am still a Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada 2019 and every Election Year after that. My wife Annette and I are totally protected under International Laws and United Nation Laws. Any harm that comes to us will result in a total shut down of Canada and severe Sanctions placed on Canada.

Anthony Martini (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada For 2019)